Saturday, February 23, 2008

Is your cell phone safe

Are cell phones really dangerous? Can they be termed a new monster threatening life and safety on our roads?

Though the link between car crashes and use of cell phones may be difficult to prove, there are nine out of ten chances of a driver knocking down a person trying to cross a road, on which he happens to be driving with a cell phone on.Though the link between car crashes and use of cell phones may be difficult to prove, there are nine out of ten chances of a driver knocking down a person trying to cross a road, on which he happens to be driving with a cell phone on.

To Prevent Accident from Occuring Step taken by other Countries-Using mobiles in many countries is illegal. Portugal has completely banned them. Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Spain require motorists to use hand free sets. Making calls while driving is permitted in Germany, but hand free sets are recommended. In USA, there are around 35 million cellular phone in use, but there is no law restricting the use of cell phones while driving. The new highway code of UK published in February this year, acknowledges that drivers might lose concentration because of in-car technical equipment. The new code making clear the danger of being distracted by gadgets in vehicles clearly states, "do not operate, adjust or view any such system if it will distract your attention while you are driving." Safety campaigners in UK had been pressuring the government to introduce laws to ban the use of mobile telephones .

But Still Cell phone Keep its Importance on a merit list-

Still, in spite of all these drawbacks, cell phones have several positive features. Cell phones are a valuable safety device. Information about an accident can be communicated accurately and speedily. A driver can drive without stress as he knows that help is only a phone call away. This helps him keep his peace of mind and the roads safer.

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